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Spectro Radio to Return to Live365

On New Year’s Eve, Spectro Radio will officially return to the Live365 broadcasting platform. In 2011, Spectro Radio was initially launched on Live365 but due to licensing fee increases and their old business model, Live365 folded at the end of 2015 leaving Spectro Radio to have to shift to the Shoutcast platform where it has been ever since.

In the years since, Live365 has returned to the airwaves with a new business model to power it into the future. At the same time, Spectro Radio has been exploring new broadcasting options that will deliver a better experience to the listeners including a higher quality audio stream, improved desktop player, single app for mobile devices, and Alexa compatibility. Live365 offers all these features as well as the important backend support to cover performance rights fees so artists and creators continue to get paid for what is heard on Spectro Radio.

With that, we are extremely excited to announce our new stream on Live365 will be fully up and running for New Year’s Eve. You’ll be able to continue listening to Spectro by visiting and clicking on listen now, or by downloading the Live365 mobile app and searching for “Spectro Radio.”

You can test out our new stream in its beta version (limited audio selections until fully programmed) now here or by clicking the new listen now in beta button on the right panel.

The old 64k ShoutCast stream will shut down on January 1st 2020 and any 3rd party apps you are currently listening on will no longer receive the stream so be sure to set your new desktop favorites and download the app for Spectro Radio in 2020!

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